Meet us!

How did it all begin?
History, even if it invokes past moments, instills life and a rich history on the foundation of a fruitful present. Thus, the story of representation begins in 1991, when the first student school councils appear. Near the beginning of the new millennium, namely in 1999, the first county council of students takes shape, in Dâmbovița. Three years later, in 2002, the first county council of students, coordinated exclusively by students, was established in Cluj county. As a result of all these movements in the territory of the students, after another 4 years, namely in 2006, the National Council of Students appears, bringing together 18 counties. At that time, the first ROF - CNE Organization and Operation Regulation was also approved. A funny thing on the one hand, on the other hand full of significance is the fact that the first General Assembly of these students started in a bus, in the town of Căciulata, Vâlcea county. The general assembly is the deliberative structure and the supreme decision-making forum of the Student Council at all its levels.
A new stage
The first steps of the National Council were difficult, being characterized by the direct coordination of the Ministry of Education in the period 2006-2009. Candidates for positions in the CNE were chosen by a committee made up of school inspectors, the students who went to the General Assemblies were selected by the general school inspectors and any decision of the Council, be it county or national, had to receive the approval of the Inspectorate, respectively of the Ministry. Brighter times loomed in 2010 when the Ordinary General Assembly took place in Deva, where the second ROF of the National Council of Students appeared. A very important specification is the fact that, from now on, the students' county council is established in each county. And, to facilitate their development, regional student councils were created, 8 in number. Crowning all these achievements, CNE became independent from the Ministry of Education. However, this aspect remained only a regulation, printed on a piece of paper. A few more generations would pass before the one who would really fight for decision-making and factual independence from the Ministry.
The structure gradually becomes stronger
Another 5 years pass and we are in 2015, in Buzău, where the Extraordinary General Assembly of the CNE takes place and the third and current CNE Organization and Operation Regulation is adopted. This time, the regional student councils are being dissolved, considering that their goal has been achieved and from now on CNE has reached the maturity needed to effectively manage its structures in the territory. However, the National Ethics Commission was established, which was to monitor and advise all the structures of the Council. In addition, this year CNE becomes a full member of OBESSU – the student representation organization at the European level, taking the Romanian representation to a higher level, gaining notoriety.
Students' Council at present
After all these visible progress from the establishment of CNE to the acquisition of decision-making independence, from a bus to the existence of CJE in each county, from wishes to achievements, the National Council of Students celebrates 13 years of existence in February 2019 at the Ordinary General Assembly of in Focsani. And look, this is how the story of the Romanian student representation structure took shape. There have been 13 generations, 13 presidents and 29 General Assemblies. The results can be seen even now: the publication of the Student Status, free textbooks for all students, free transportation for students. Also, students began to believe, to try, to fight, to succeed. The voice of our colleagues is increasingly stronger and, more importantly, more listened to and understood by the Ministry of Education and other decision-making structures. Prizes won May 4, 2012 Honorary title for special contributions to the development of society, Radio Romania Awards Gala May 2017 High Patronage of Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Margaret March 17, 2019 "Reality Test" Award, Public Participation Awards Gala
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Our mission

Legea Învățământului Preuniversitar nr. 198/2023 stipulează clar faptul că elevii reprezintă beneficiarii primari ai tuturor programelor și măsurilor din sfera învățământului preuniversitar din România. În acest context, rolul nostru este de a ne asigura că acțiunile decidenților urmăresc în mod primordial interesele legitime ale elevilor.

We campaign for the inclusion of students in the most important debate forums both at the school level, as well as at the county and national level, so that the decisions made by those in charge are based on the needs and interests of the primary beneficiaries. Starting from the premise that students represent the center of the educational system, we act so that the problems they face are permanently on the public agenda, and the related measures are adopted only after consultation with them.

The range of action of the Student Council also extends to the territory, at the county level, through the county student councils, as well as at the school level, where school student councils meet. Although there is a legislative framework that clearly regulates the rights that students enjoy, they are still being violated. From commuting issues and poor conditions in educational institutions, to abuses in the classroom: recording absences as a means of coercion, subjective grades, bullying, we are here to combat unfair practices in the school environment.

Although it has many shortcomings, the educational system is full of people, be they students, teachers, parents or activists for a quality inclusive education, who try to transform the school into an environment conducive to the harmonious development of the student from a physical and mental point of view. Every time we meet such people, we aim to offer them as an example and facilitate the spread of the good practices they initiate.

The students' county and school councils are the bodies with which they most easily come into contact, which is why we invest every opportunity in the human resources at our disposal, to guarantee the visibility and representativeness of the efforts undertaken by substructures at the local level.

Our team

Bianca Ivan


Theodor Giurcanu

Secretar executiv interimar - organizare internă

Daria Ciufudean

Secretar executiv interimar - relații externe

Vlăduț Iordache




Theodor Giurcanu


Daria Ciufudean


Theodor Irimia


Miruna Comănescu

Vicepreşedinte interimar

Free position


Free position


Paul Ciontoiu

National Ethics Commission

Renata Tothăzan

National Ethics Commission

Sebastian Apetri

National Ethics Commission

Our efforts over time

  • 2019Subscription to education

    Through "Subscription to education", a campaign launched at the beginning of 2019, we want to bring to public attention a pressing problem faced by students in Romania, namely the fact that they do not benefit from the minimum 50% discount for public transport, although this aspect is stipulated in the law.

    Moreover, we want to focus the attention of the decision-makers also on the students' commute, the cost of which is often not fully settled.

  • 2019#blanksheet

    This year, the students gave #blanksheet to the simulations of the national exams, joining the protest initiated by the National Council of Students. Some reasons behind the movement, formulated in the spring of 2019, are listed below: "We give a blank sheet because the simulations will not evaluate our skills, but only our knowledge. They will not assess our ability to think critically, only our ability to reproduce the information that was dictated to us in class.” "We give a blank sheet because unfounded changes are not the solution in education. The objective type items were not benchmarked and we, although we are the direct beneficiaries of the education, were not consult.” "We are giving a blank sheet to sound the alarm going forward it will be too late before we reach the tipping point where we are holding mock national exams every year because the decision-makers want to put as much pressure on us as possible." Thus, the students were encouraged that instead of solving the subjects, they wrote on paper their dissatisfaction with the system, symbolically campaigning for a change.
  • 2019Mourning for education

    The National Student Council urged all students in Romania to protest on September 9, during the opening festivities of the school year, wearing a black armband or other article of clothing.

    The most recent measure appearing in the sphere of education, by which students who obtain admission averages below 5 at the end of secondary school are assigned directly to vocational schools, was the main reason that led us to go out to protest in the school yard.

    We believe that the proposal from the Ministry of National Education nullifies the efforts made in recent years to increase the relevance of vocational education and distracts attention from the real reasons why some students do not perform at the National Assessment: underfunding of the educational sector, the inefficiency of the teaching-learning act, the lack of inclusion in the school environment.

  • 2018Education - national security

    At the beginning of 2018, the National Council of Students launched a campaign aimed at changes in the curricular area at the high school level, a campaign in which over 136,000 signatures were collected.

    Some of our requests were:

    • prioritization of the stages of curriculum development (the development of framework plans should start from the profile of the graduate);
    • the education plan should be designed in such a way as to favor certain exits from the system (to ensure that, whether he chooses higher education, the labor market or another alternative, the student has certain skills "for life");
    • prioritization of studied subjects;
    • more intense focus on the particularities of students;
    • the transfer of emphasis from the school to the student by transforming the curriculum at the school's decision into the curriculum at the student's decision from the school's offer;
    • groups consisting of a minimum number of approximately 15 students for the organization of curriculum subjects at the student's decision from the school's offer;
    • the common core should contain subjects with wide applicability, such as health education, legal education, Romanian language, oratory, critical thinking, etc.;
    • transparency in the process of finalizing the framework plans.

    As a result of the approach, a working group was set up on the framework plans, which also included student representatives. However, following numerous changes at the head of the Ministry of National Education, the group was no longer active.

  • 2018We put the requests on L544/2001 under the Christmas tree of the town halls!

    The representative students are bored with the classic Christmas gifts! In the winter of 2018, they no longer wrote to Santa about their education wishes, but sent applications to all local councils to see how they had progressed over the years in terms of top-up funding.

    The purpose of the approach was to make a comparison between the amounts of money that the town halls have allocated in recent years for the educational sector and the amounts invested in other spheres: culture, religion, recreation.

  • 2017Scholarships throughout Romania!

    The actions of the National Council of Students have focused on the superficiality with which school scholarships are treated by the authorities since the beginning of 2017.

    What was supposed to be a simple intervention in the sense of regulating not only the obligation, but also a minimum amount for granting scholarships, turned out to be a fight against the people at the helm of the education systemțional. 

    The project of the National Council of Students followed the parliamentary procedure, Law 38/2019, which complements the National Education Law 1/2011, being recently adopted. Unfortunately, however, the approach for scholarships continues, because the interests of the local public administration authorities are put above those of the students, and the Romanian Government does not respect its commitment.

    At the end of 2019, CNE wrote an open letter addressed to the Government, supported by civil society, but also a petition to include the funding necessary to transform the measure into a viable one in the projected state budget for 2020, signed by over 30,000 Romanian citizens.

  • 2016Student status

    The Student Statute is the first document that distinctly regulates the rights and obligations of students enrolled in state, private or denominational pre-university education institutions in Romania.

    The existence of this normative act is essential for a quality, democratic education system centered on the student and his grievances. The Student Status is entirely a student initiative, its content being debated and voted on during the General Assembly of the National Council of Students held in Hunedoara county, in December 2015.

    Following many hours of negotiations, pressure from many actors in the pre-university education system, multiple debated amendments and constant battles in which the students' opinion was considered irrelevant, the document was adopted through OMENCŞ no. 4742 of August 10, 2016, being published in the Official Monitor of Romania, part I, on August 23, 2016 and entering into force 30 days later, on September 22, 2016.

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